SNGPL Helpline Number

“Welcome to our website! In today’s article, you will find important information about the SNGPL helpline. If you need any assistance regarding your SNGPL bill, you can contact them at their provided numbers.

“All the details of SNGPL bill helpline numbers and how to contact them will be provided in this article. With these numbers, you can easily get in touch with them and obtain essential information.”

Sngpl helpline Number for all cities

In case of any gas-related emergency or complaint, please call 1199 immediately.

“It’s your job to pay your gas bill on time. If you don’t get the bill, contact your local Sui Northern Gas office or check our website at for a copy.”

If you have any concerns about not receiving your bill, please report it by calling the helpline at 1199.

“If you think there are mistakes on your gas bill, contact our Billing Department to correct them and prevent extra charges.”

If your complaint isn’t resolved at the Sui Northern Gas level, you can file a request with the federal ombudsman using the following contact information: Helpline 1055, Tax Number 9217224-051, Website” 

“If you have any issues with your bill readings or if you want to get a new gas connection and lack information about it, regardless, if you have any problems related to your SNGPL bill, you can call them at 1199 to seek guidance. They are available at all times to assist you.”

SNGPL helpline numbers Sheikhpura, Rawalpindi, Bahawalpur

Sui Nothern gas helpline numbers Mardan, Gujarat, Sialkot

Sngpl helpline numbers Peshawar, Islamabad, Sahiwal

Sui Northern Gas helpline numbers Gujranwala, Lahore, Abbottabad in a new tab) in a new tab)

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